
Vitamin C could be the Key to Retain Muscle Mass during Old Age, Study Suggests

Dec, 2020 - By WMR

Vitamin C could be the Key to Retain Muscle Mass during Old Age, Study Suggests

According to new research study by the researchers of University of East Anglia (UEA) have suggested that vitamin C could help individuals above 50 to retain skeletal muscle mass in later life. Researchers also reported that elderly with vitamin C rich diet (berries, citrus fruits, and vegetables) exhibited the best skeletal muscle mass.

Ailsa Welch Lead stated, “As people age, they lose skeletal muscle mass and strength. It's a big problem, because it can lead to frailty and other poor outcomes such as sarcopenia, physical disability, type-2 diabetes, reduced quality of life. We know that Vitamin C consumption is linked with skeletal muscle mass. Until now, few studies have investigated the importance of Vitamin C intake for older people. We wanted to find out whether people eating more Vitamin C had more muscle mass than other people."

In this research study, researchers evaluated data of over 13,000 individuals of age group 42-82 years, who were a part of European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Norfolk Study. Researchers evaluated skeletal muscle mass and examined their vitamin C intake from a seven-day food diary. They further evaluated the amount of vitamin C in their blood. Researchers observed that individual with increased vitamin C intake exhibited highest skeletal muscle mass in comparison compared to individuals with low amount of Vitamin C in diet or blood.

According to the findings, researchers suggested that vitamin C in the diet is vital for maintaining muscle health especially in elderly and women and could be beneficial in preventing age-related muscle loss. Moreover, they also suggested that Vitamin C is naturally available in fruits especially citrus fruits and vegetables and consuming them on a regular basis would be beneficial for elderly.

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