
Viral Specific T-cells Controls the Transplantation Response

May, 2021 - By WMR

Viral Specific T-cells Controls the Transplantation Response

The use of specific Cytotoxic T-cells is giving protection during immune suppression condition, which implies the possibility of using the method in case of other immune-compromised condition.

Among all the cells in the body, stem cells appears to be one of the most bewildering cells, containing immensely enhanced abilities in every aspect. It is known to everyone that a cell being the structural and functional unit of every living organism, comes with an expiry date. However, in case of Stem Cells, there is no such issue, as they are characterized by unlimited power of division and also it has an ability of differentiating in to various types of cells of that particular organism. These enhanced abilities make stem cells the best option in case of transplantation.

Recently in a research report, scientists found that transplantation of Stem cells can also stimulate the growth of BK virus causing significant amount of associated toxicities. BK virus belong to the Polyomaviridae that colonize in the kidney, urinary tract, bladder and ureter. Infection due to BK virus is a very common phenomena for patients undergoing kidney transplantation. Allogenic transplantation of stem cells, includes the usage of immune suppressing drugs, which causes the stimulation of the BK virus.

Hemorrhagic cystitis is another common problem caused due to BK virus because of Haemapoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT). Scientists found a new to way of treating this problem by implantation of viral specific T-cells from the body of the donor. In an organized study blood samples were collected from different healthy donors. After successfully isolating T-cells, they are specifically cultured to understand the pattern of various types of antibodies and other proteins present on the surface of the BK virus. Therefor every donor, a total of around 50 Anti-viral specific T-cells are identified. Infusion of the BK virus associated T-cells, yielded good results, as it controlled viral infection after the therapy. The continuous infusion of T-cells, increased the response time of the patients after a successful transplantation.

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