
Nutrient Subsuming Gets Affected Due to Anxiety

Jan, 2022 - By WMR

Nutrient Subsuming Gets Affected Due to Anxiety

A health expert states hat anxiety can block the involvement of nutritious food into the body.

Sometimes people avoid food due to unwanted tensions and stress. Anxiety is purely an anti-nutrient. If one is stressed out, the mind remarkably with food noise and restricted beliefs about food and unable to engross all the macronutrients, vitamins, minerals in the food consumed. One can pack the plate with colewort, cabbage, fish, avocado and other types of prodigious nutritious food, but if one is in stress, sits to eat then the body would not receive the nutriment from that meal. What one chooses while eating is directly linked with what’s running someone’s mind. Only choosing food which is processed, packed, and is low-quality food having least nutrients can be harmful. One cannot rely on those foods and expect to get full nutrients.

Taking proper rest, eating nutrient rich food are the unique ways to boost the mind. When one feels perturbed, tensed, disturbed while eating, this anxiety levels actually change the body’s physiology. In case of food the level of stress is low. Any iniquity, judgement on health or humiliation about the choices are recognized as stress by the mind and turns consoling the nervous system, targeting the health’s anxiety response known as fight or flight mode. Any kind of tension to the body means danger which begins a sequence of events to first deal with. The body has many adverse effects when a person deals with stress. When one is anxious the nervous system gets redirected and starts producing a stress hormone called cortisol, the muscle health get nervous. The heart starts thumping high, the blood pressure rises and leads to hypertension. The blood glucose levels elevates. The quantity of food increases especially saccharine content and high carbohydrate food. The thyroid becomes passive and the process of digestion stops for a while and the immune system strike a balance.  

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