
Increase in Coffee Intake Might Decrease Prostate Cancer Risk

Feb, 2021 - By WMR

Increase in Coffee Intake Might Decrease Prostate Cancer Risk

New research puts forth the link between increasing coffee consumption and lowering the risk of prostate cancer.

A combined data analysis published in the online journal, BMJ Open, suggests that consuming several cups of coffee a day might reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. The research indicates that every extra cup of coffee leads to reduction in the risk of getting cancer by 1%.

Almost over half the U.S. population drinks coffee every single day. So it actually shouldn’t be surprising that scientists dug up to the possible benefits and risks of this favorite beverage.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men. Three-fourth of the cases are found in developed countries and since 1970’s, the cases have increased in Asian countries. A thorough study on coffee and its health effects can be extremely huge. But, over the years, studies have suggested that coffee helps to fight obesity, protects against Parkinson’s disease, boosts the anti-aging factors and assists in normal heart care. Coffee consumption has also been said to lower the risks of liver, breasts and bowel cancers but again there is no proof for its probable role in prostate cancer reduction.

Coffee and cancer share a closely studied relationship. Some observations have suggested that coffee consumption may have great health benefits while recent meta-studies have come to a conclusion that there is no difference in cancer risk for the people who are both consumers and non-consumers of coffee.

Researchers have observed that coffee upgrades glucose metabolism, has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties and impacts the levels of sex hormones and decreases concentration of plasma insulin. An enthralling discovery made in 2019 focuses on two anti-cancer compounds found in coffee and how it affects the prostate cancer. Kahweol acetate and Cafestol are the two anti-cancer compounds that seem to collusively work to supress the growth of cancer cells.

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