
Few Drinks to Lower The Risk of High Cholesterol

May, 2022 - By WMR

Few Drinks to Lower The Risk of High Cholesterol

One is suffering from high cholesterol and it has been running long since days in the family may lead to several problems.

Usually, people see various health issues and their preventive methods. Hyperlipidemia is one such problems that few people face. These days age is not considered as a matter that can reduce the risk of problems rather it is such a kind that many people irrespective of age suffer from several forms of health issues these days. Experts suggest some tips to follow for the reduction of elevating threat of hyperlipidemia. People mostly focus on the ways to lower the cholesterol and improve heart health. There are several types of drinks and foods that one can change or alter to attain a hearty well –being. Experts suggest few drinks, adding those in daily life may evade the cholesterol. Cholesterol also may lead to many heart health problems. If one is having a sip of coffee or tea with sugar cubes in it can alter the drink with healthy rich green tea, black tea or oolong tea. These tea types provide benefits that aid in lowering the cholesterol and by providing heart health benefits.

The type of tea one consumes is very important to understand as it the most considerable beverage across the globe. Green, black or oolong tea have many rich anti-oxidants and rich flavonoids that enhances the vessel health. The one who drank 2-3 cups of these unfermented tea are on a safer side and have reduced the rate of cardiovascular problems by 12%. Intake of pomegranate juice is considered to be lowering the cholesterol due to its polyphenol pigments. This fruit is even rich in lignans, flavonoids and it also helps to lower the LDL levels. Red wine is one of the drinks that is suggested to avoid the increasing cholesterol. Red wine is associated to provide benefits such as anthocyanin, quercetin and catechin. Drinking oat milk is considered to provide better results due to the soluble fibers of it.

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