
Evergy Restores Electric Supply of 60,000 Consumers, Two Days after the Blackouts

Mar, 2021 - By WMR

Evergy Restores Electric Supply of 60,000 Consumers, Two Days after the Blackouts

In Kansas City, the power outages were conducted in order to reduce the load on the system. The blackouts were rolled out from Monday, February 15 afternoon across the city.

The American electric service company, Evergy has repaired the most part of damage done by the record-breaking storm rampaging across the states of U.S. The tenure for power outage was completed by Tuesday, February 16 as confirmed by the Kansas Corporation Commission. Although Evergy started to restore the power of Kansas City on Monday, February 15 by evening. The extreme cold weather conditions have also influenced the Kansas City along with its major impact on the Texas State.

The rolling of blackouts or rotational load-shedding began on afternoon of February 15 when Evergy turned off the power supply of customers for over an hour in the storm-affected regions. The Evergy executed the blackouts in the regions that come under its service area. The power outages switched to various locations after equal intervals of time until the load stabilizes across the state. The Southwest Power Pool (SPP) had confirmed the normalization of the varying load in the electric grid systems which led to the restoration on power of around 60,000 households on Tuesday. SPP is the power supplier to the electricity distributing services across 14 states of U.S.

Evergy claimed that due to severe cold temperatures, the machinery and equipment will not work accurately. This will result in the extension of power outages for couple of more hours. The company advised the consumers to save electricity for their gas utilities and avoid the unnecessary waste of power. The electric grid systems of 14 states that come under SPP, have witnessed the highest and the lowest levels of load within a couple of hours.

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