
DNA Zoo Project to Give Full Knowledge of Bird Influenza

May, 2021 - By WMR

DNA Zoo Project to Give Full Knowledge of Bird Influenza

DNA Zoo and other collaborators are working very efficiently to analyze bird influenza regularly to protect the biodiversity as well predict different anomalies in the genome of different organisms. 

Presently the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has given the importance of the extensive study that should be done in the context of Host-Viral interaction. Recently researcher from University of Western Australia (UWA), sequenced the entire genome of Black Swan. Surprisingly, the sequencing data showed a lot of insights about another largely infectious disease called the Bird flu, which also had the capability of causing a pandemic.

DNA Zoo is one of the path breaking genome project that help to access all the information regarding different type of genome organization. Scientists from all over the globe are participating in this project just to give others a clear information about each and every organism’s genome, their functioning and also how their malfunctioning can be controlled.

The sequencing of this Black Swan DNA and also their mapping has been done through this DNA Zoo program. In a study the Scientists of UWA revealed that in spite of the fact that bird influenza had just influenced 862 individuals worldwide since 2003, the greater part of the individuals who gotten the infection didn’t endure. The study also helped them to procure much important data on how DNA of black swan is getting susceptible to the infection and also its transmission in to human beings.

Bird flu as a disease and all of its mechanism with which it gets transmitted is very much capable of causing a pandemic. There lies the importance of this study. DNA Zoo data is also helping the scientists to identify the regions of binding of the host and the viral genetic material, as knowledge of this association can be importance for clinical application required in case of preventing its transmission. They concluded that analysis of several immune genes present in black swan and also comparing it with other bird which might hold the influenza infection, can be important to enumerate the preventive measure.

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