PPI Euromonitor International's Industrial reports provide a 360 degree view of an industry. The Industrial market report offers a comprehensive guide to the size and shape of the Vegetable and Animal Oils and Fats: ISIC 1514 market at a national level. It provides the latest retail sal...
Edible oils in Switzerland posted a strong performance in 2024, with growth across all metrics. The category is highly dependent on weather conditions and experienced unit price increases due to higher commodities, energy, packaging and transport costs. Euromonitor International's Edibl...
Hosiery has found itself in a challenging situation in recent years with many consumers opting to extend the use of their existing hosiery, rather than buying new products. Retail volume growth remains stable, but current value growth has slowed in line with lower inflation. The ongoing economic unc...
In 2024, footwear is the standout performer in the Morocco's apparel and footwear industry, in terms of volume and current value growth. While inflationary pressures have dampened consumer demand in many apparel categories, footwear is witnessing healthy growth due to higher levels of engagement in ...
Menswear in Morocco registered a stronger increase in retail volume growth over 2024, whilst current value growth has slowed down. The slowdown in unit prices has stimulated higher consumption of menswear, reflecting a rebound in consumer purchasing power. Certain product categories, such as men's t...
Apparel accessories is being hit by the aftereffects of climate change in Morocco. These shifts have led to unprecedented winter heatwaves, directly hampering the sale of cold weather-related accessories, such as hats/caps, scarves, and gloves, demand for which remains considerably lower than 2019 l...
Consumer demand for jeans continues to rise in 2024, with premium and economy ranges reporting stronger volume growth year on year in Morocco. On aggregate, economy jeans is the largest category by volume sales in both women's and men's jeans. Given the ongoing economic uncertainty and financial pre...
Moroccan consumers have demonstrated heightened price sensitivity in the sauces, dips, and condiments category in 2024. Stock cubes have emerged as a high-performing area, primarily due to rising prices of herbs and spices, which have driven consumers to seek more affordable alternatives. Stock cube...
Inflation has significantly shaped cooking ingredients and meals in Morocco in 2024, driven by persistent geopolitical tensions stemming from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. These tensions have exacerbated the rising costs of energy and raw materials, with national inflation reaching 6.2% in 2023. ...
The Moroccan economy has witnessed modest growth in 2024, with GDP rising by 2.4% in 2023 and 3.3% in 2024. However, the ongoing geopolitical tensions linked to the Russian invasion of Ukraine have continued to exert upward pressure on global energy and raw material prices, including staple food cat...