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Alcohol May Reduce Risk of Alzheimers, a New Study Reports

Nov, 2020 - By WMR

Alcohol May Reduce Risk of Alzheimers, a New Study Reports

Scientists believe there are long term, irreversible consequences of regular heavy drinking. Heavy drinking is now considered at least eight to nine d...

The Realms of Quantum Teleportation

Oct, 2020 - By WMR

The Realms of Quantum Teleportation

Quantum teleportation is a technique in which quantum particles are transferred from one point to another, using previously shared quantum entangled s...

Nutritional Supplementation for Hair Growth

Oct, 2020 - By WMR

Nutritional Supplementation for Hair Growth

The fact is that while the hair grows at a steady rate in most individuals, the average lifespan of most human beings is around eight years. The avera...

Can VR Robotic Boots Solve Locomotion Problem?

Oct, 2020 - By WMR

Can VR Robotic Boots Solve Locomotion Problem?

Virtual reality is one of the most exciting technology available that offers a simulated experience, which is similar to or completely different from ...

AI in Healthcare Alarms for Upgrade

Oct, 2020 - By WMR

AI in Healthcare Alarms for Upgrade

Artificial intelligence is one of the most valuable and breakthrough technologies present today. As a matter of fact, it has been observed that AI sur...

New Research Highlights Benefits of Pesco-Mediterranean Diet for Better Cardiovascular Health

Sep, 2020 - By WMR

New Research Highlights Benefits of Pesco-Mediterranean Diet for Better Cardiovascular Health

Calories and nutrients are the foundation of human health, which can be derived from plant and animal sources. The human species has been omnivores th...

Scientists Seek to Create Brain-inspired Electronic System to Enhance AI

Sep, 2020 - By WMR

Scientists Seek to Create Brain-inspired Electronic System to Enhance AI

Ever since artificial intelligence has gained mainstream attention, it has become a major subject of research. AI has shown how it can emulate human b...

Zero Trust Authentication to Provide Security for AR/VR Headsets

Aug, 2020 - By WMR

Zero Trust Authentication to Provide Security for AR/VR Headsets

Security concerns in electronic devices have become one of the most burning issues. For this, device providers have come up with pin codes, biometric ...

Study Finds Six Distinct Types of Novel Coronavirus with Variable Symptoms

Aug, 2020 - By WMR

Study Finds Six Distinct Types of Novel Coronavirus with Variable Symptoms

The novel coronavirus pandemic has spread to over 210 countries and as of 4:52 pm CEST, 28 July 2020, there have been 16,341,920 confirmed cases of CO...

What is the role of AI in the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Aug, 2020 - By WMR

What is the role of AI in the COVID-19 Pandemic?

The world is swarmed by the COVID-19 pandemic since the January 2020. Ever since its breakout in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, ingenious fraternity ...

Current Scenario and Future Perspectives in Catheter-based Treatments

Aug, 2020 - By WMR

Current Scenario and Future Perspectives in Catheter-based Treatments

Catheters are medical devices that can be inserted in the body for the treatment of various diseases or perform a surgical procedure. The thin tubes a...

Loon enter into partnership to deal with tragedies associated with internet connectivity

Aug, 2020 - By WMR

Loon enter into partnership to deal with tragedies associated with internet connectivity

With the aim of enhancing internet connectivity around the globe Loon Company entered into a partnership with AT&T - a telecommunication company. ...

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